Looking to become a better professional? Maybe participate in community service? How about learn some new dance moves? Stay tuned to our Facebook calendar of events. It's updated every week with upcoming events that we will be hosting.
Our informationals are held a few times during each semester. These presentations are for you to learn more about our fraternity, philosophy, and the brothers on campus. Informationals are open to the public, so feel free to bring whomever you'd like.
Next Informational:
Thursday, October 26th
9:13 pm in Babbio Center 220
Come By the House
Our house is located at 831 Castle Point Terrace, Hoboken NJ, between Phi Sigma Sigma and Delta Tau Delta. Please feel free to stop by and say hello. Come out to the house to study, play video games, have meaningful conversation, or whatever other reason. Don't be a stranger, there's usually a brother at the house to open the door and to greet you.
Explore Campus
Make sure to be on the lookout around campus for an LUL brother. We are heavily involved around campus, holding e-board positions in a variety of campus organizations, representing at campus events, as well as working hard at our studies. We're pretty hard to miss.