is LUL latino exclusive?
No, we promote cultural awareness and are open to all ethnicities.
do you haze?
We do not physically abuse or degrade our new members, also known as “Caballeros” or gentlemen in Spanish. We believe brotherhood is built on respect. Furthermore, LUL has anti-hazing policies which adhere to anti-hazing laws. For more information on LUL's anti-hazing laws and policies, click here.
Do I need to drink to join?
We prohibit the use of alcoholic beverages during membership recruitment events. All chapters forbid alcohol use by members under the age of 21 years at any and all fraternity events. Men who are found in violation of this policy will be dismissed from the recruitment process.
Alcohol is also strictly prohibited during the new member education process for Caballeros and Hermanos.
is there a minimum GPA requirement?
Yes, in order to be considered for the New Membership Education Process, you must have a 3.2 as a Freshman or 3.0 as an upperclassman here at Stevens. In addition, a 4.0 scholastic program is applied during the process.
Hermanos are also required to maintain a minimum GPA of 2.8 to be considered active. Those who fall below the requirement establish a study plan with the Academic Chair and set library hours with other brothers.
What do i gain?
Along with the benefits of support, encouragement and lifetime friendships, fraternity membership offers many practical benefits to its members. The LUL Foundation, a 501-c-3 organization offers scholarships to members. Members of the fraternity are provided opportunities to develop their leadership skills by attending seminars, holding officer and committee positions within the chapter; and serving as a role model for younger members. Through volunteering in the community and on campus, members of fraternities develop the self worth that comes from serving others. Fraternities also offer a lifetime of networking opportunities with men of all ages and professions.
How do I become an hermano?
As an undergraduate, you can receive an application by:
Attending an informational
Attending other LUL Events around campus and connecting with the Brothers
To apply you must:
Submit a written application
Interview with Hermanos (scheduled after submitting an application)
DO you have a Sister sorority?
Although we have strong historic ties to some organizations, we are not constitutionally or otherwise affiliated with any other organization
Where can i learn more?
By visiting our national website or by attending one of our informationals.